Professional Colorist Darin Wooldridge Darin is using our DaVinci Resolve shortcut keyboard ![]() Who is Darin Wooldridge you and what is your story? My name is Darin Wooldridge, husband to my amazing wife, father of three wonderful kids. To afford all that, I’m professional finishing colorist. Not a hair color guy. A digital colorist for the entertainment industry. With the help of practical photography and very powerful computers the colorist helps keep you, the viewer, in the story. On occasion, we help drive it with color. What is your relationship to shortcuts?Shortcuts, very important in my field. We repeat tasks to the point we wear out specific keys. It is imperative for efficiency to have shortcuts in your toolbox. What do you think about the keyboard?Working in a dark room, I need a backlit keyboard. This one is loaded with info for my tool of choice, DaVinci Resolve. So far, I’m loving it. Great feeling, and it evens comes with a washable protection cover to keep it looking fresh. How did the keyboard help your workflow – and did it speed up your work?The Astra resolve keyboard has helped me discover shortcuts I had yet to use, or didn’t think I would benefit from. One example is the printer lights. I am using this function more recently, just because it's laid out on the keyboard. I still prefer panels but now have a simple tool when a dp calls out printer point adjustments. Once you gain the memory and speed you won’t need to look at the keyboard, until then I’m finding it’s a huge help. ![]() What are you working on now, and what projects are you most proud of? I’m currently working on two independant features, a psychological thriller “You’re not alone”. Directed by Eduardo Rodriguez. And a Drama "Snap Shots" Directed by Melanie Myron. Remastering of “The Hunt for Red October" in HDR. Would you recommend your keyboard to your colleagues?I recommend it for the seasoned pro or the home resolve user. Great tool, great feeling keyboard loaded with all the required features to get the job done. |