Shortcutlist Tips |
Press Ctrl/Cmd + F to activate Search field |
Press Ctrl/Cmd + (+) or (-) to maximize or minimize content |
Symbol | Command | Windows Keys |
| Rename selected | |
 | Toggle Portamento | |
| Show next property in the Piano roll event lane (lower section) | |
 | Select the Channel above | |
 | Select the Channel above with note data | |
 | Select the Channel below with note data | |
 | Select the Channel below | |
 | Paint in drum sequencer mode | |
| Toggle focus: Audio clips, Automation clips, Pattern clips | |
 | Slip edit tool | |
 | Select tool | |
 | Mute tool | |
 | Playback tool | |
 | Pencil tool | |
 | Delete tool | |
 | Zoom tool | |
 | Slice tool | |
 | Paint tool | |
| Slice Clip at mouse cursor position | |
 | This Help | |
 | Toggle Playlist | |
 | Toggle Step Sequencer | |
 | Toggle Piano roll | |
 | Open Plugin Picker | |
 | Show/hide Mixer | |
| Show/hide MIDI settings | |
| Show/hide song info window | |
| Close all windows | |
 | Cycle nested windows | |
 | Toggle Max/Min Playlist | |
 | Previous pattern | |
 | Next pattern | |
 | Select pattern 1 | |
 | Select pattern 2 | |
 | Select pattern 3 | |
 | Select pattern 4 | |
 | Select pattern 5 | |
 | Select pattern 6 | |
 | Select pattern 7 | |
 | Select pattern 8 | |
 | Select pattern 9 | |
 | Next empty pattern | |
 | Switch On/Off recording (This also works during playback) | |
 | Switch Pattern/Song mode | |
| Previous bar (Song mode) | |
| Next bar (Song mode) | |
| Toggle Line/None Snap | |
 | Move the playback marker to the start of the Playlist | |
 | Zoom in | |
 | Zoom out | |
| Move up | |
| Move down | |
| Move left | |
| Move right | |
| Horizontal Zoom out | |
| Horizontal Zoom medium | |
| Horizontal Zoom in | |
| Horizontal Zoom, show all | |
| Zoom to selection | |
| Cut | |
| Copy | |
| Paste | |
| Select all | |
| Stop sound (panic) | |
| Deselect selection | |
| Discard selected note lengths | |
| Quick Quantize | |
| Quantize | |
| Undo | |
| Save new version | |
| Open file | |
| Find - Smart search | |
| Flamer | |
| Solo channel 10 | |
| Solo channel 1 | |
| Solo channel 2 | |
| Solo channel 3 | |
| Solo channel 4 | |
| Solo channel 5 | |
| Solo channel 6 | |
| Solo channel 7 | |
| Solo channel 8 | |
| Solo channel 9 | |
| Open Claw Machine Tool | |
| Start/Pause Playback | |
| Toggle typing keypad to piano keyboard | |
| Add Time marker | |
| Blend recording (overdub) | |
| View node helpers | |
| Toggle recording metronome precount | |
| Toggle metronome | |
| Open Limit tool | |
| Select the next Channel | |
| Start/Stop Playback | |
| Multilink to controllers | |
| Export wave file | |
| Export mp3 file | |
| Open Randomize tool | |
| Toggle wait for input to start recording | |
| Invert selection | |
| Toggle Step Edit mode | |
| Riff machine | |
| Open Score Flipper tool | |
| Transpose selection Up/Down 1 Octave | |
| Select time before or after current selection | |
| Move selected Channel/s one step Up/Down | |
| Move selected mixer track/s Left/Right | |
| Move selected | |
| Quick legato | |
| Articulate tool | |
| Quick chop | |
| Chop tool | |
| Glue selected and touching notes | |
| Group selected | |
| Ungroup | |
| Save file | |
| Save As... | |
| Open Strum tool | |
| Arpeggiator | |
| Open Scale Levels tool | |
| Select by color | |
| Zip selected channel/s | |
| Toggle Ghost channels ON/OFF | |
| Switch waveform helper view (when available) | |
| Delete selected channel/s | |
| Delete space equal to selection | |
| Insert space equal to the current time-line selection | |
| Select time around selection | |
| Open Project Picker | |